Saturday 17 September 2016

Wash Day

Thursday 15th September 2016

Raining this morning so a lazy start - the rain cleared away - so we dug out the twin tub and did the weekly wash !
We found filling the washer was easier now with the shower hose and we soon had it all washed and cleared away.

We dried it all up at the launderette in two driers - no chance of drying on the line today - looks like rain any minute.

We took Penny to Ille Grande and found the artists setting up a beach sculpture - designed to be covered by the sea at high tide !
It's part of an art exhibition all along this coast this weekend - might be interesting.

I set off to the waters edge and after only a few yards slipped on some mud and crashed to the ground !
I fell on my new hip and my shoulder but no damage except my jacket and shorts were covered in mud !

We continued the walk but after 10 minutes it started raining again so back to Blazer.

So - a working / rainy day.

Mike - Jackie + Penny.

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