Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Testing Times

The Outer Harbour.

Still Blowing Hard.

Thursday 06.40

Yesterday I Looked at the forecast  in the marina office and it gave force 4 with gusts up to force 7 for today.

That is not much better than current wind.

I decided to walk down to the beech and check conditions in the outer harbour.

A nice walk past the fishing boats unloading their catch and sorting their nets.

Then on past the redundant ferry terminal - or at least it appears to be - It looks in a poor state of repair and I haven't seen any ferries - maybe since the tunnel started?

Lots of school parties - masses of coaches - a big indoor swimming pool - very nice.

Five friterie vans in the coach park selling chips with all manner of garnish - I managed to order in French for once.

The wind increased significantly when I got to the beech - blowing straight at the beech.

The outer harbour is massive (4 square miles) and the outer wall to the left of the entrance was taking a battering.

The waves were crashing over it and shooting high into the air.

Then I noticed a big yacht (50 feet ish) it had been moored next to me last night - It was making it's way across the harbour to the entrance.

Once it got close it turned into the wind, put the sails up and sailed into the waves.

I could see that it was bouncing around quite a bit.

I don't want to be out in that lot.

I need to stay until Friday - all the forecast are showing lower winds.

                                                               More of the beech.

I walked back via a small park and came across a wonderful Merry Go Round - Beautifully made.

Cooked the chicken for tea - great  - and an early night.


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