The saloon - looking towards the fore cabin.
Getting a bit cabin crazy.
Wednesday 18th July - 09.00.
Yesterday was very windy - only the biggest yachts were going out.
Today is the same - wind average force 5 - gusts to force 7 - from 3 sources.
Tomorrow looks OK.
More jobs yesterday.
I think that my new phone is finally sorted - almost.
The little shop where I bought it sorted out the registration at 6pm last night - but it takes 24 hours to become effective and after that I can put in the code number and get the credit to make calls.
Comm port.
The plot thickens - I had another go and concluded that I have connected things correctly and I have installed the right driver. - the problem is that the instruments don't like one another!!
Now I know that, I can deal with it - a multiplexer - simple.
Mainsail cover.
One of the 6mm ropes that hold up the mainsail cover and guide the sail into the bag when you drop it had become frayed through chafing.
These ropes are called Lazy Jacks and are really good.
They were all looking a bit tatty anyway so I bought a 50 metre length of bright red shiny rope on Ebay to replace them.
I waited for the sun to come out and pre made the four ropes with Nylon eyes whipped at one end.
Two ropes go up each side of the mast and go over little pulleys about 20 feet up.
Needless to say one of the ropes escaped my hand and the nylon eye ended up the mast.
Now - I have all the gear to climb the mast and I have done in the past but not in this wind.
So I made a 20 foot fishing rod out of 2 light weight rods and a boat hook with a wire coat hanger - all taped together with pvc tape.
About an hour later I hooked the eye and finished the job - it's hard to see in the photo - it looks very good.
Only little jobs today - cook the chicken for lunch - prepare for the trip - an 8 am set off will do.-
20 miles to Le Touquet.
Next post Thursday pm.
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