Monday, 12 December 2016

Sort Out Day

Monday 12th of December 2016

An overcast / drizzly sort of day - a bit miserable - time for getting sorted.

The area at the side of the house was untidy - mainly because I stored my dinghy project there plus logs waiting to be cut to usable firewood - so TODAY'S THE DAY!!

The dinghy is to be the new maintenance boat at Scott's lake - after the it's bottom has been repaired.
I managed to move it onto trestles on the drive so that I could clean up the side of the house - Jackie had a fit !! - IT CAN'T STAY THERE !!

So - PLAN B !!

Scott helped to move a steel storage rack into position where the dinghy had been - to store firewood for drying - overflow from our nice feature rack for dry wood near the conservatory.

Jackie stacked six big bags of dry timber offcuts, onto the feature rack, that I had brought down from Sheffield last week - that's my poor little car empty for two minutes ! !

Jackie helped me to stack all the nicely cut firewood from the trailer onto the rack - great.

The remaining big logs were then loaded to the trailer - to go up to Sheffield for cutting tomorrow.

The area around the rack was swept clean - oddments of timber were stacked on the new rack and a tarpaulin roof fashioned to keep it all dry - lovely!

I then made a transport frame and strapped it securely to my poor little car roof rack !

Jack and I then lifted the Dinghy onto it and I strapped it on - ( heavy for me !! )

We delivered it to Scott's - Jack and Scott carried it through the car port and on to the patio behind the garage - ideal - we can sort out the fibre glass work in the dry - under the car port - perfect.
Scott gets a nice stable work boat - I get to sail it occasionally - good arrangement !

So - all sorted - the area at the side of the house now very tidy - plenty of firewood drying - loads of space for more if we come across any.

I looked at the clock - it was 4 pm !! - We had been working out in the drizzle all day !!
I was worn out - time for a sit down with G & T  for Jackie and a glass of red wine for me - a useful day.

Note - It must seem like a massive effort goes into producing firewood for our lounge stove but when it is lit - the thermostat for the central heating feels the heat and shuts the boiler down - our gas bill is really low right now - it might just be the reason - plus - we love it !!


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