Monday, 5 December 2016

End Of Phase Two

Sunday 4th of December 2016

A bright and sunny day but cold.

I steadily brought round about 15 barrow loads of hardcore today - filling in the low spots and compacting as I went - mid afternoon it turned very cold but I was finished - it looks really good !

I still have about 4 or 5 tonnes of hardcore left but Scott is keen to have it at the lake - I will contact the grab truck company on Monday and get a price for moving it.

The next phase is to go to Sheffield - to re-organise my container - move my stuff from unit 5 into it and liberate 3 sheets of 20mm shuttering ply.

I can cut it to five inch strips in Sheffield to make it easy to carry on the roof of my poor little car.

When I have the ply on site in Derby - I can set the former and line it with Visqueen.

I asked Neil, next door, about reinforcement ( a professional ) - I need A142  mesh - the sheets overlapped 400mm.
The stock size sheets come in 4.8 x 2.4 metres which are ideal - I need 4 sheets but I am struggling to find a local supplier with reasonable delivery charge - I'll keep trying.

Steady progress ! - Mike.

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