Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Sheffield Trip

Wednesday 4th of October 2017

A run to Sheffield today with the trailer.

First job - refit the repaired conservatory window at the flat.
The repair went well - £15 - for a new double glazed unit - I straightened the hinges.
Re -fitted good - sorted.
Cleaned up outside - leaves etc.

On to the unit - loaded the trailer with  a small / strong work bench - a twin motor dust extractor and loads of plastic bins with tools and accessories in the car.
Started to dismantle the big cross cut saw  - getting ready to move it to Derby soon.
Car full / trailer full.

On to Arnold Laver - to collect an order of 2 1/2 American ash - 6 cubic feet.
Enough to make about 30 railway Jack Handles for an order !!

I have never liked buying from Lavers - they always mess up orders.
Guess what ?
They messed this one up as well !!!
I went mad !!

The only reason that I bought from them was that no other local supplier had eight foot lengths of the ash.

Two sales people checked their stock and assured me that they did have eight footers.

I ordered 5 boards - paid a very high price for it - started to load it onto my roof rack - I noticed that there were two eight foots and three nine footers !!!

It took an hour to get them to refund the cost of three feet and get it back on my card.

My fault - I new that they would mess it up somehow.

So - my poor little car - full to the brim - trailer full - roof rack over loaded - headed for Home.

19.30 - all unloaded ( not the trailer ) - a heavy duty day.

Back at Barry's job Thursday / Friday - then fitting a hardwood floor for two/ three days for Jackies sister Gill.


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