Friday, 8 September 2017

More Work On The Front Wall

Tuesday 5th of September 2017

I'm back at Barry's weekdays now - still lots to do - but in the evenings I can do a bit to the workshop.

The last two evenings - I completed the window stud work - sheathed it with OSB board and fitted the lining boards to the window and door frame.

When I thought about it - the lining boards were not wide enough to be flush with the ship lap boards.
Also - I need to wrap the front with Tyvek - before I fit the lining boards.

So I bought wider - 5 inch - lining boards - removed the ones I fitted - wrapped the sheathing with Tyvek - then ran out of staples !!!

Staplers drive me nuts !!
It is very difficult to find staples for the cheap hand tackers - I have two that I can't find staples for.

So - I bought a Stanley T45 tacker.
When the first 500 staples started to run out - I bought 5000 on EBay - Tackwise - clearly marked as suitable for the T45 - do they fit ?  - NO !!!

That's why the Tyvek is still covering the window - Argh !!!

I have ordered some genuine Stanley staples - we will see if they fit !!


1 comment:

  1. All looking very Good. Presume Champagne Launch. LOL
