A great result for the weekend - all the door hardware fitted - all four doors and window primed. - the left hand doors covered with Tyvek and the centre doors undercoated.
The Detail -
The left hand doors are secured by heavy doors bolts into the top frame and the floor - the right half has a strong cross bolt to the other half - all done so that I can secure them when the wood rack and cross cut saw are in place.
The centre doors have very nice / strong brass bolts into the top frame and concrete - with the right half fitted with a Yale style lock for day use and a hasp and staple / padlock for security.
I found that the doors are only hardboard faced with a very / very thin veneer of ply to make them appear to be ply faced - NOT GOOD !! - I did know that they are internal fire doors.
I managed to get a good coat of oil based primer on the outside and all edges on Saturday afternoon before it rained.
The left hand doors are now protected by Tyvek paper - on the face and top edge - plus a drip edge at the bottom.
They have started to disappear already !! - great.
I think they look Good.
A nice pair of handles set them off nicely.
I plan to get at least one more undercoat on before we start with the Cuprinol Colours top coats to match the summer house.
Good progress but not quite as much as it would have been -
Very early on Sunday ( 5 am ) I shot off to Sheffield to pick up some oak laths for the seal at the top of the fascia board.
I called in at my empty flat to feed the cats and the place had been BURGLED !!!
It was ransacked - plus a broken sky light window.
It took me all morning to clear up - board up the window - meet with the Police.
Jonathan has had several items stolen which will be hard to replace.
It was quite a shock to walk into that - but I am OK now.
I did fill the car with timber from the wood store - No point in going to Derby empty !
I stripped the broken double glazed unit from the window - straightened the hinges and I will order a new double glazed unit today ( Monday ) - Sorted !
Quite a Weekend !!
I feel better that the new workshop is secure - we have been warned that there is an epidemic of shed burglaries in Derby !!
An alarm needed !!
Back at Barry's this week - so no posts for a few days.