Sunday, 16 July 2017

The Roof Is On !!

In Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th of July 2017

Great weather this weekend - warm - no rain - perfect for working outside.

Saturday - I finished all the graduated firring strips on each joist - checked them and found the front left hand corner joist very low - the cantilever was made wrong somehow - so - remade it - now correct !!
Then I cut all the remaining 6x2 roof joist to make the cantilever overhang - over the back fence and trimmed it with a 2 x 1 - it worked out really well - I cut the angle steeper than the main roof to improve the rain run off and the length of it deposits the rain 5 inches beyond the back fence.
The overall roof length is now just less than 28 feet which gives me a little spare all round to trim to size once the roof sheets are on.

We also managed to squeeze in a visit to Morley Gala - a small gala - but good - Classic cars - real ale - we met lots of friends and family - great !!

Sunday - early start 05.30 - too early to make any noise so - tidied up my tiny workshop to the point where I can actually get in there and some of the bench is useable !!

First - I finished off the rear cantilever by fitting tension straps to the top edge to improve the strength.
Then - I fitted temporary props under the cantilever to hold it up until the roof sheets are on.

A quick run to Screwfix to pick up 400 screws for the roof sheets and then I had to work out how on earth I was going to get half a ton of OSB sheets 40 metres down the garden and then up onto the roof on my own !!!

Scott was working this weekend when I asked but pledged help next weekend.
The grand kids are all usually busy with mates or girl friends so no point in asking.

First - I tested the one wheel sheet transporter - FANTASTIC !!
It worked great - no effort - easy to steer - just the job.

Then I placed a very stout wooden garden chair at the side of the workshop and lifted a sheet onto it so that it leaned onto the workshop the long way up.

I climbed onto the chair and managed to lift the sheet while slidding it up and over the roof edge.
Once it got higher than half way I flipped it up and slid it onto the roof - easy - manageable - amazing!!

The sheets are finished with a slippy coating of some sort which make them really easy to slide into place.
I decided to lay a row at four sheets wide on the cantilever to help support it and make it easier to bend the sheets where the roof slope changes a bit.
Then- I changed to two sheets wide for the remainder of the roof.
It did involve a bit of trimming which surprised me and I think it might be that the joists bent slightly at the centre noggin - but no problem.

Sheet after sheet went up - then a wonderful Sunday roast dinner - then more and more sheets until finally at 9 pm - THEY WERE ALL UP AND IN POSITION !!!

Most of the sheets are fully screwed down - 60 mm no. 10 screws every 16 inches - but the impact drill was making so much noise that I changed to the other battery drill and just put a few screws in the the last 5 sheets until a better time to make noise.

So - they are on - 3 mm gaps between then for expansion / swelling - they are flush with the back edge - overhang the sides by about 9 inches and the front by about 2 inches - perfect.

I will mock up the side cladding to tell me how much overhang I really need then mark it up with a chalk line - screw a guide batten on - then trim it with the circular saw.

I plan to cut a 2 x 2 timber on the diagonal and fix that to the long edges on top to keep the rain water on the roof until it gets to the back edge- then I will run the roofing felt up the slope and trim it at the top.- that timber will also give me something to hang the facia board onto.

I am very pleased with the roof at this stage - no bounce at all as I walk about up there - nice and strong - plus it appears nice and flat - no bumps from high joists or bent timber - amazing really.

The weather is good - Monday and Tuesday - so I better get cracking in the evenings and get it trimmed - fully screwed down and covered with the big tarpaulin before the rain on Wednesday.

A big week for me at Barry's - he makes his first visit on Sunday to the house since I started work there at the beginning of February - I would like to finish the bathroom make over and also finish the painting on the stairs if we can - plus a big clean up - Jackie will help on Tuesday.

Next weekend - it would be great to get the first layer of roofing felt on if I can - mabe with Scott helping - but we have a big family party to go to on Saturday afternoon / night - Andy's 60th birthday extravaganza !! - we will try - I have the materials and tools for torch on - just need a bottle of gas.

A great result for the weekend - I surprised myself!!


Sorry about no photos - my main computer is still not online yet - wifi adaptor number 4 still not working but looking better - I am falling out with windows 10 !!

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