Wednesday 29th - Thursday 30th June 2016
Rain forecast for most of these two days with wind blowing the rain straight into Blazer's saloon - so we have to close all the hatches which makes us feel too closed in.
So as soon as we could - off for a walk.
We picked up the coast walk near Ploumanach by trying lanes that go to the sea and we found a new car park and a Park with a lake - right be the sea !
The Granite out crops in the bay are really beautiful in this area and plentiful.
We spotted a group of tall pine trees with ropes hanging and found people rigging a rope course - complete with picnic tables suspended 30 feet up in the air ?
Jackie asked the main guy what it was all about but his English was not good enough - shame.
On Thursday - same area we met a German guy who was travelling towards Spain in his motor home.
We told him that we have really got to know this area well and how much we love it.
He said - in not so many words - if you love Europe why did you vote to leave the EU ?
He was laughing as he said it - He just had to say it , didn't he !!!
He said that he thought the result was a bad one - for the UK and for the EU.
Thursday afternoon - Jackie created a master piece - a seafood and chicken Paella - Wonderful.
So all in all - we are making the most of the poor weather - lots of long walks and great food.
Mike - Jackie + Penny.
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